
Unmarked Grave Locating Project - Uriah, Louisiana

GPRS was contacted by a cemetery near Mobile, AL to mobilize to locate any graves that have gone unmarked or the locations have been forgotten over time. The cemetery had numerous death certificates for people buried in this particular cemetery that were not accounted for. In order to remedy this problem, they called Ground Penetrating Radar Systems.

GPRS, Inc. is frequently called to mobilize to locate graves. Ground penetrating radar is the best and most effective way of marking these locations. The process is normally very quick and field markings are placed in real time. GPRS completed the grave scan process in Uriah, AL. Many unmarked graves were accurately located and marked on the surface. The findings were then explained to the on-site representative who was very pleased with the results of the inspection.

The picture to the right shows Jordan James, GPRS regional manager of the New Orleans area, scanning the area in question. GPRS provides a variety of locating services including utility locating and void detection, as well as concrete services such as post-tension cable and rebar locating. If you would to speak with a representative in your area, please visit the “Contact Us” page at www.gp-radar.com.